Monday, February 11, 2013

Great Guana Cay - Exumas

We spent a couple of nights at Big Majors Spot, next to Staniel Cay.  So far, Staniel Cay is the most picturesque town we've seen... the small town was clean, most houses were brightly painted, and it had beautiful beaches as well as a nice hill with an awesome view.

I caught a lionfish there, and we had it for dinner... tasty! plus, we were helping the environment!  I did manage to lose my spear tip as part of this whole thing... so that wasn't as sweet.

Anyway, we picked up the anchor in the morning on Saturday, and we sailed towards Black Point at Big Guana Cay.  The wind was a bit stronger than expected and we found ourselves sailing on a close reach at 6kts sustained!  I don't know how Lorena manages to make the boat sail so fast!  Some boats that came in that afternoon reported gusts up to 30kts while sailing... I don't think we had that much wind, but I do think we had about 20kts of wind!

Black Point Settlement is also a very interesting place, for the first time in weeks, we actually see regular people with regular families hanging around... some of the other spots are mostly fishing-oriented and you don't see children or elders... This town has a very strategic harbour and it is very cruiser-friendly, it has several places with free internet, it has free water, free garbage disposal, dinghy dock, etc

Yesterday we spent all day on the boat doing nothing!  The wind was howling and we didn't feel like doing much, so we read, slept, ate, read some more, chatted on the phone, etc... it is nice to not do anything once in a while!

We've seen a couple of boats that we had seen before in different harbours, so it is nice to see some familiar faces around...

Hopefully at some point this week, we will be sailing to Cave Cay, and out into Exuma Sound towards Elizabeth Harbour.  This may be the last spot with good internet before Elizabeth Harbor, so we may not post anything for a few days.

On a different note, the GoPro camera stopped working properly at Staniel Cay, so we put it in a bag full of rice and we are going to try it again today... preliminarily, it seems to be working well... so we haven't been able to post any good pics on this blog.


  1. Hey guys! I just came across your blog doing a little googling on the bimini to chub cay leg(s)... we're on our way tmrw. My wife writes our blog... It's great to see other young cruisers. We had up to 5 boats, all young couples, cruising together last time we cruised the Exumas. We're heading for the Exumas again now and hope to catch up to you! -Scott (and Brittany & baby Isla).

    1. Cool! Keep in touch and hail us on the VHF when you get to Georgetown!
